The Portal Archive November 2011 | Page 11

November 2011 Page 11
The Abortion Act 1967 allows for termination for a variety of circumstances but most commonly used [ 98 % of all terminations ] is category ‘ C ’ which states that ‘ the pregnancy has not exceeded its 24th week and that the continuance of the pregnancy would involve risk , greater than if the pregnancy were terminated , of injury to the physical or mental health of the woman ’ [ 5 ] - so some of the reasons given in my previous paragraph are used to justify this clause . ‘ Abortion on demand ’ is the result and seems to carry no responsibilities .
Any successful fertilised human egg will not have had any choices in its conception and is entirely dependant on its mother [ or ‘ science ’ in part in those circumstances where In-vitro fertilisation {‘ IVF ’} is used ] for natural development to proceed . This may seem obvious to state but the choice agenda for termination [ before 24 weeks of gestation ] is almost entirely from the mother ’ s angle or her existing children . There is only negative consideration for the foetus in Category ‘ E ’ which allows termination if ’ there is a substantial risk that if the child were born it would suffer from such physical or mental abnormalities as to be seriously handicapped ’ [ 5 ].
Effects of termination on the woman
Not wanting to get too hi-tech here but , depending on which method of termination is used , there is potential for adverse effects – for example , physical effects being gynaecological infections or effects on future fertility . The main effects I see in Practice are of a psychological nature such as a mood disorder or anxiety with a good deal of regret . I would try to draw attention to all the harmful effects in the consultation .
Such an approach can at least persuade the woman to reconsider her request . Ultimately , the true ‘ success ’ of such a consultation is only to be seen by the joy witnessed during a new baby check-up some 12 months further on along with quiet reflection on how differently things might have turned out .
I think there is a major problem with terminations of pregnancy in the UK . We should re-kindle our reverence and respect for life and rediscover our responsibilities to unborn children . As a final thought , when the legislators passed the Abortion Act 1967 , did they anticipate the numbers of abortions and the effects in the community today ?
References : [ 1 ] www . 40daysforlife . com . [ 2 ] GMC . Personal beliefs and Medical Practice .
Guidance for doctors . March 2008 . [ 3 ] Office for National Statistics . Data from
England and Wales 2010 published July 2011 .
[ 4 ] Department of Health - Abortion statistics England and Wales 2010 . [ 5 ] Abortion Act 1967 as amended by the Human Fertilisation Act 1990 .

Gift to Ordinariate Groups

The Portal understands that Ordinariate Groups in the UK are to receive a wonderful present each from the USA . Each Group is to get a set of RSV Lectionaries ( 2nd Catholic Edition ). All that is asked is that the Group celebrate a Mass for the donor . What a wonderful gift ! The Portal is sure it speaks for all members of the Ordinariate in the UK when it says a hearty “ Thank you ” for this act of generosity . Be assured , they will be well used .

More Groups !

There are a number of Exploration Groups looking at the Ordinariate as a possible way forward . We understand that there are Groups in Colchester , Cambridge , London ( Balham ), London Central , Huntingdon , Lancashire and in Leicestershire . Go to the Official Ordinariate website for more details : www . ordinariate . org . uk


Monsignor Andrew Burnham addressed over fifty members and friends of the Association for Latin Liturgy in Brighton during October . After celebrating Mass Mgr Burnham delivered a paper on The Liturgical Patrimony of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham and the Reform of the Reform . You may read the whole text on the Official Ordinariate Web Site at www . ordinariate . org . uk
Cover Pic : Ordinariate celebrations at St John ’ s Church , Stapleford , with Mgr John Broadhurst , Fr Simon Ellis , Fr Peter Peterkin and members of the group .