The Portal Archive March 2011 | Page 5

March 2011 Page 5
Fr Hermann was enthusiastic about Anglican Patrimony . For him it was the Anglican approach to Liturgy and to music . Quoting Saint Augustine he said , “ He who sings , prays twice .” He continued to tell us that the newcomers will enrich the Church and stimulate Mission . In this they will take their place in the New Evangelisation .
Unity is not just an option
Pursuing the question of Unity , we were reminded that unity is not just an option , it is a duty . Jesus prayed “ That they may be one .” Unity is the express will of Our Lord . When Christians are divided , they are unfaithful . Christians must be united so that “ the world may believe ”. The two go together , Mission and Unity . Fr Hermann said , “ The Ordinariate promotes unity and is a powerful instrument for unity , it will help Christians to be evangelists .”
The document Anglicanorum Coetibus is a result of a mandate from Jesus Christ . It is not just the verse from John quoted earlier , it is the total mandate of the Gospel : The rock of Peter , the one who is the visible sign of Christ in the Church . Fr Hermann explained to us that Benedict XIV is called to promote unity in the Church and in the world . “ He is the chief shepherd , he cannot do otherwise ”. “ Unity ,” he continued , “ is built on two pillars , love and truth .”
Anglican – Catholic relations
The CDF is aware of the delicate question of Anglican – Catholic relations , yet knows that courage is required for Christian unity . “ The Holy Father did not travel to the UK to fish in Anglican waters , the fish knocked at our door ! We opened the door . The Archbishop of Canterbury knew some would leave , but he knew where they would go .”
It is the view of the CDF that ecumenical dialogue must be honest and sincere . “ One ’ s conscience must be followed at all times , it is sacred . ARCIC will continue , so official dialogue continues ; yet Anglicanorum Coetibus makes the goal of that dialogue clear .”
It has been said that there are some ground breaking elements to Anglicanorum Coetibus such as married clergy and worker priests . Fr Hermann felt that these were not so ground breaking . The Catholic Church has had married priests for some time now , hundreds of ex-Anglicans for example . Eastern Rite Catholics have married priests , so it is not such an innovation . “ Yet : celibacy will continue to be cherished . The Holy Father has an open heart here ,” he said .
With regard to the small numbers joining the Ordinariate Fr Hermann told us that the numbers were not so small : fifty or sixty clergy and some one thousand lay people or maybe more . “ Every soul is precious ” he said . “ When the Holy Spirit works , the devil works as well ,”
He is not surprised at some of the adverse comment . He would have been surprised if there had been no adverse comments . “ When the Holy Spirit works , the devil works as well ,” he said . “ We are not to give in to difficulties . We are to be generous and welcoming . The issue is the whole question of unity and of mission . When God plants a beautiful tree , he cares for it .”
We asked Fr Geissler where he saw the Ordinariate in ten years time . He responded , “ I am not a prophet !” Yet he hopes it grows in numbers of clergy and lay faithful , as well as people living the consecrated life . He mentioned that it was gratifying that the Ordinariate already had a group of religious sisters .
Other parts of the Anglican Communion
“ What hopes did he have for the Ordinariate in other parts of the Anglican Communion ?” we thought . He enthused that there were already groups interested in the USA , Canada and Australia . Then he wondered , “ What will happen in Africa ? There are many Anglicans faithful to the Gospel in Africa . True they are Evangelicals I know , but at the CDF we are watching events carefully .”
The Ordinariate is provided for Anglicans ; but could this model be used for other groups ? We know from Forward in Faith contacts in North America and Scandinavia that there are Lutherans who may well benefit from a similar model to the Ordinariate , would this be possible ? The CDF acknowledged that this was an important question . Already they were receiving similar requests from Lutherans . Would this model be of use to them ? “ The Holy Father will do all he can to bring other Christians into unity .” ‘ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be given you .’
Fr Hermann concluded , “ Thank you sincerely for coming to Rome . We pray for you that the Ordinariate goes well . Priests are already ordained . We must be faithful to unity . We will do all we can to help you together with the Bishops of England and Wales . Be encouraged by the words of Jesus Christ , ‘ Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be given you .’ There will be suffering , but God will guide us .”
We thanked Cardinal Levada and Fr Geissler , and as we left the Vatican marvelled at the generosity and warmth of the welcome . We do indeed life in interesting times .