The Portal Archive June 2012 | Page 14

Saturday 28th July 2012
June 2012 Page 14

Newman on Personal Influence by Brother Sean

At Newman ’ s death in 1890 there was an enormous outpouring of grief from both Roman Catholics and Anglicans for this great Englishman whose life had spanned most of the nineteenth century . What is of interest is that when we look at the testimonies in the press at this time we see that rather than honouring him for what he had done , the press was full of praise for a man who had made such a huge impression on the lives of so many people .
The now well known obituary in The Times on the achievements of Newman ’ s life ran “ Of one thing we can be sure that the memory of his pure and noble life , untouched by worldliness ... will endure .” Here we see that it was the power of his personal influence which was remembered rather than his enormous scholarly achievements . For so many people Newman embodied in his very person all that was most noble , simple and upright of Christianity that it had a force to change their lives .
During his lifetime Newman exerted a profound personal influence on his contemporaries which went far beyond his intellectual capacities . Newman understood that at the core of the Christian mystery was a relationship of communion between persons . Christianity was more than simply ideas , abstractions or concepts , rather it was about a relationship . Similarly one does not assent to faith because of its reasonableness or credibility , but rather through the power of witness which we experience in another person .
The highest example of this witness was manifested in the Incarnation . For this reason Newman wrote in his Development of Christian Doctrine that the very central mystery of Christianity is the Incarnation in which the Word becomes flesh participating in the very fabric of human existence .
Newman was convinced that it was the power of personal influence that had the power to convert minds and hearts rather than arguments . It was the experience of “ another ” who embodied the Gospel that Christianity could most effectively reach the people of our times . In his University Sermon Personal Influence , the Means of Propagating Truth of 22 nd January 1832 he wrote of how holiness mediated by personal influence had a silent , attractive , urgent and irresistible force which not only transforms those who come in contact with it but also demands conformity with Truth . Here Newman spoke of the silent power of holiness “ embodied in personal form ” which men who reject Truth “ cannot bear its presence ”, and “... cannot steadily confront and bear down .”
To the sinner this influence exercises a “ sovereign compulsory sway , bidding them fear and keep silence , on the ground of its own right divine to rule them .” Likewise the force of the influence of another also has the power to “ persuade the weak , the timid , the wavering , the inquiring .”
After his reception into the Roman Catholic Church in 1845 Newman understood that it was his own journey of faith which had undergone such trials that gave courage and example to so many others to follow him into the “ one fold of the Redeemer .”
Ultimately the power of personal influence is nothing more than a reflection of the transformation which Christ wishes to exert upon souls who give him free and loving trust .

A Day with Newman at Littlemore

Saturday 28th July 2012

Spend a day in Littlemore with Blessed John Henry Newman Hear about Newman ’ s time at Littlemore ... Celebrate Mass Enjoy a good lunch ... Visit The College and the Parish Church
Programme 1030 Mass ( Blessed Dominic Barbari Parish Church , Cowley Road , Littlemore , OX4 3JX - free and safe off-street parking ) 1100 Coffee 1130 Talk “ Newman at Littlemore ” by a Sister of The Work 1230 Lunch 1345 Guided tours of the College and the C of E Church 1515 Tea and Home
To book your place on this Newman day at Littlemore send your name and address , together with a cheque for £ 10 made out to The Portal to :
The Portal , 56 Woodlands Farm Road , Birmingham B24 0PG If you need more information ring : 0121 373 8348