The Portal Archive January 2012 | Page 5

January 2012 Page 5
They felt the time for their Mass ( 1100 ) was “ excellent ”. Mary told us that some non-Ordinariate members attend their Mass . Some of their members who for some reason or another cannot attend the Ordinariate Mass attend other RC Churches that are local to them .
Ian did not think the absence of a Committee was a problem . “ We chat things over as a Group after Mass ” he said , “ We find it easy to reach a consensus .
When we asked about growth for the Group , Ian asked , “ Do you mean spiritually or numerically ?” Mary was not sure about how to expect an increase in numbers , but Ian saw some people who did not come with us , “ putting their toe in the water ”.
As far as spiritual growth was concerned they told us that Fr Paul had ideas . They had been meeting since September 2010 and doing a Catechetical course every week . Evangelisation was important to them . With regard to the New Mass they commented , “ We love it !”
The Group sees great opportunities for growth as they are so close to the University . It is literally on their doorstep . Mary pointed out that one or two Undergraduates were at mass that very Sunday .
Ian took up the story , telling us that the Group has a Facebook page where they engage with people locally . Mary was anxious that we understood that as ex-Anglicans the concern with Evangelisation was something they had taken with them . “ I believe that ’ s why we are here ,” she said , “ It is our calling !”
They have a Saturday coffee morning that is still growing . Ian quoted Mother Teresa , “ we are not called to be successful , merely faithful .”
Mary returned to the Undergraduates and said that some of them attended the Daily Mass : “ There is now daily mass in the parish , which a good number of members of the parish and members of
Ian O ’ Hara
John Emerton , Ted Johnson , John Ingram
Karen Dean
Margaret McLaughin
Mary Oliver
Thomas Burch
Michael North and Jack and Evelyn Gannon
Saying goodbye ! the Ordinariate group attend together .”
As there are no other Ordinariate Groups in Coventry , their “ neighbours ” are some distance away . Yet they both felt the Group ought to have closer relations with them . Mary was adamant that “ We ought to do more together ”.
Relations with other Catholics in the area are “ excellent ”. For weekday Mass they attend various Catholic Churches , and the Group does tend to go to various evening Masses after work . Her husband ’ s shift pattern determines when and where she goes . “ We have been made so welcome ” she said , “ This is home ”.
It is sad to report that relations with the local C of E Churches are more or less non-existent ; although they do keep in touch with Anglican friends . This seems to be more or less the same wherever we have visited .
They began to finance their Group in January 2010 . They collected money and saved . The group is committed to paying its way in terms of costs relating to the use of parish ’ s buildings and facilities . They have bought a digital hymnal and copyright license for the group and have a fund to raise more cash . “ We give sacrificially ” they said .
Both Ian and Mary were enthusiastic about a National Ordinariate Day event . Ian , ( who was heavily involved in those wonderful Brean events in the Ebbsfleet area ) jumped on the idea , “ We cannot overlook the children and young people who have come with us .
We need an event for them because they are special . We need to get on with this . We need a Family Day where we can invite our non-Ordinariate Catholic friends . It is something we can do for them . We need to have faith and get on with it .”
As we started to clear away our things and move on , Mary and Ian made sure we had recorded their final words :
“ We need to say how joyful it is to be here . We are so Blest .”