The Portal Archive February 2013 | Page 17

February 2013 Page 17

The A - Z of the Catholic Faith by Fr Stephen Wang

A is for …


Right from the beginning , Jesus called people to share his life , and sent them out to spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God . The Twelve Apostles had a special place in his plan . With the Virgin Mary and the other close disciples , they formed the heart of Jesus ’ new community , the Church . They were sent out with his authority to witness to his Resurrection and call people to faith , to teach and to celebrate the sacraments . They were weak men made strong through the love of Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit .
The Apostles handed on their ministry to other disciples . This ministry has been passed on through each generation , and continues today in the Catholic bishops , in communion with the Bishop of Rome , the Pope . Christ himself guides us and speaks to us through their teaching and ministry , just as he did through the first Apostles .
The whole Catholic Church , in fact , is Apostolic : she stretches back through history , in an unbroken continuity , to the Church of the Apostles and to Jesus himself ; the heart of her faith and life has remained unchanged , even though there have been natural developments over time ; and her members are sent out today , like the first Apostles , to share the love of Christ .


The created universe is much more interesting than we normally think . God ’ s intelligence and creativity have no limits .
We can see only the physical world around us , but this does not mean that ‘ materialism ’ is a sound philosophy . There is , rather , good evidence for another aspect of creation that is non-material and spiritual .
We see this in human beings : our ability to reflect and choose and love points to something about us that is quite beyond material reality ; we have a spiritual soul as well as a physical body . And we know , through faith , that God has created a whole order of reality that is purely spiritual , with spiritual beings who are endowed with intelligence , freedom and the capacity to love . These are the angels .
The purpose of their life is to worship God and to serve him . Some , in an irrevocable choice , have used their freedom to turn away from God . These are the fallen angels , the demons , including Satan . The rest , who have chosen to remain faithful , give God glory in the worship of heaven . We meet them in a special way when we join them in the Liturgy of the Church , when we pray to them in our personal prayers , and when God sends them to help us in different ways . Each person is blessed with the gift of a Guardian Angel who has a special care for them .

Anointing of the Sick

Jesus had a tender love for those who were poor and afflicted , and especially for those trapped in sin or burdened by sickness . The sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick allows the healing touch of Christ to transform the lives of those who are physically and mentally unwell , and those close to death .
The grace of this sacrament touches people in different ways . It brings forgiveness . It helps the sick person to be united to Christ in his Passion , so that they can find consolation and peace for themselves , and offer up their sufferings to God for the good of others . It helps someone to prepare for a happy death , at peace with the Lord , if this is their time .
The power of the sacrament can bring physical and mental healing to the sick person , if it is the Lord ’ s will . And through the ministry of the priest , it allows the sick person to receive the support of the Church , and to know that they are fully part of the communion of the Church , and not alone or forgotten .