The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 6

THE PoRTAL is the n1onthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady ot Walsingham publisl1ed free on tile first day of every month at www . portalmag . co . uk
Day 4 - Wednesday 13th June 2012

.... continued J " nc 10th · l 7th

He diew heavily on the imageqr of the Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday and the ideal of the Chuich and the Chrism ( a . a an ex pre . sive manife , talion of th (;· Church a an ideal . Ile . aid 0 The Holy Thur , day liturgy in the Cathedral come very lo e to thi ideal ".
He referred to the Holy OiJs and to the way Bishops . prie ts . dea ons . religious and lay people from all over the dioce . c gather round the Altar on that day . I k · aJJcd Iloly 1hur . day as the " birthday of the Prie . thood ':
He made two rather important points . First : that prie thood i not undertaken purely a a personal honour . econd : it is through the gm e of th Eu · harist that the Church is made present and it is through the priestly ministry of the Church that the Euchari . l i . made pre . enl .
He tou hed on the often misunder tood idea of " communion ': He pointed out th al the word is used both of the sacrament of the Eu harist a11d how we Live " in ommunion ''. Finally he spoke- of priests aud laity alike who arc under great pre . , urc today , c . pc : iall ) r where the lcrgy urc elderly and there ace ft : w - if any - young prit : Sts on the horizon . He ncournged the laity to ' duster around the shepherd " and so give the clergy support .
Our care hesis was provided by Archbishop J Michael Miller C B , Ar ltbishop of v ~ rncouver Canada . He took as his Lille " Prit : Sl . and men of ommunion " and divided hi Lalk into three unequal c · tions .
Relationship of the
ommon and Mini terial Prie thood
I .
Oue Priesthood hared in Different vVays
2 .
DifTerent Role . in the Eucharist
From Living to Fostering Commun . ion I . Communion ,.. rith Christ : Fow1dation of the Priest !}' Ministry 2 . Leading ther to ommunion with God 3 . Leading Other to Communion with One Another
erving the Laity in Living their Vocation
I .
Pde t as ervant
2 .
rving by Fostering Co-Responsibility with the laity
3 .
Fo lt ' ring Chri t '.. aving Work in Lhc W () rld
In hi long cate h i , ardinal Miller drew heavily on the writing of Pope Benedict XVr , Ble ed John Paul II and the Vatican II do ument Lumen Gentium .
Per , onal Tc timony wa . provided b }' Mr
orecn Carroll of Foxrock Parish , Dublin and
r Con · hita
M · Oonnell 1 I HR , Pre ., ident of OR
Each day there are many workshops , talks and event happening all over the vast Congre ite . For tho e of you who know • Dublin , it i . being held at the Royal D ublin o iety in Ball Bridge . It i : $ 0 large that it is ju . l not po ible for u to over them all . everthele in the e daily report we hope to give you all a flavour of this wonderful Eucharist Congress . Vle are privileged indeed co be here .
Tho . e of you who read thjs in the UK need lo know that t : vcry day in e · lions of Lhe & i h Pre . we arc treated to the drip , drip , drip of negative publicity about the Congress in particular and the hur h in general , especially in Ireland . Through it all Archbishop Martin of Dublin keeps a alm head : uld deals with each question in an hone t and straightforward way .
ln the July edition of TI1e Portal we hop to bring you om of the per ona1 a · ounts of the people who are here . ' Ulere a lot oflrish of ourse , bur people have travelled from all over the world co be here . Look out for the July edition of the Portal and read some of their torie .