The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 5

is the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Wa lsingham published free on the first day of every month at THE PoRTAL The International Eucharistic Congress Day 4 - Wednesday 13th June 2012 Ju 10th· l 71h theme was "Priesthood and Ministry in the Service of Communion'~ The main Mas in tbe great outdoor Arena began at 4pm. A nasty drizzle did not dampen the hearts of those present. Led by the excellent Derry Cathedral Choir under the expert direction of their Director of Mu, ic , today'. Mass was a plendid occasion. The nm ic chosen wa a mixture of Mozart and tbe modern, and - trangely - it blended rather well. TODAY OUR His Eminen ·e scar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez-Maradiaga DB, Archbishop of "l"ebJUcigalpa, Hondura wa both the Principal Celebrant and gave the Homily. A. il wa. the memorial of ainl Anthony of Padua the Mass had a strnngJy Fran is -an navom and aint Anthony himself was prom inent.1 he ardi nal told us a remarkable story about Anthony fa ·ing someon who denied the Real Pre, en c of ur Lord in the Euchari t. A donkey was starved for three days, then met both the aint and the doubter. The former had a f onslran c with the Host, the latter barley and hay. The donkey ignored the food and gcnunc ted to ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _;._ ______ ---==---==-- ------.;;a the Ho t. Queue whole ale -onver ion of the doubter . ·1 hi tory re eived a warm round of applause. However: Cardinal Rodriguez.- 1aradiaga himself went on to extol the virtues of the Eu -harist in all its fullne s. l I i sJow and methodical dcHvcr)' empha ised Lhc import of his message. Hi message wa imple and dire t. "Jhe liuchari t i fir t of all a gift and prie ts pla e it at the entre of their Pasto cu .M inistry. Ihi is becaus in the Eucharist we ee the pre n e of Christ Him elf. He told us of ainl Anthony and hi. rad ical Euchari. lic piety, that those who partake in the Eu ·hari. t arc united lo the mystery of the death and resurrection of Our Lord and thu tran formed into being its "mis ionary': Vie were reminded that ainl Anthony was the first to teach theology in the Fran iscan Order, this supported by long hour. of ·onlemplation and profound loving . ikn ·c before the pre en t of Jesus in the Tabcrnack. To this the Cardinal contra ted th "praxis of inditfor n e" our own day, where the Eucharist is often simply ignored. He encouraged us all to live better eveqr day the faith of the Chur h in the Blessed acrament, that through the inter es ion of aint Anthony we may be able ogive the a rament of the Altar a more centTal place in our lives. Earlier two statements were given to the Pre s Corp. The first it1formed us that the Papal Legate, Cardinal uellet "wa in Lough Derg at the reque l of the Holy Father o n a penitential vi it, in a publi expre ion of penan e aJ1d repentance for the abuse of children b)' lerics in the local and universal Jrnr: h''. The e ·ond wa, dire ·tly from Lhe IIol)' Father him, cJf, ex pre . ing hi. "aflc tionate thought. and blc .. ing. to the hurch in Ireland" and to the Eu ·hari ti ngre . In the 1editation at Morning Prayer, Archbishop Dermot Clifford, Ar hbishop of C1 heJ & Emly Ireland u cd as hi, text: " "/1rere is only 011e priest; A II are priests, ·ome men nre priests". Co11ti11ued 011 next