The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 3

THE PoRTAL is the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham publisl1ed free on the first day of every month at The International Eucharistic Congress Day 2 - Monday 11th June 2012 Ju I Oth~ 17th today i "Communion through Bapti m,~ lti the «Ecumenical Day>'. At the daily Press Conference Archbishop Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin was joined by Archbishop Michael Jackson, the Anglican Archbishop of Dublin and Glendalough. THE THEME oftheCongre We were able to a k Ar hbLhop Michael J•1ckson to comment on e ·umeni al relation bet ween Angli ans and Roman Catholics in Irelan d, and if there was any interest in lhe rdinariate in Ireland? With regard to e umeni ·al relaLion in Ircland, Arc:hbi hop Ja k on tre sed that relation hips in Ireland are orgar1i . The Leaders med and arc p hotographed together. He ackn owledged that "on the ground there was frustration with the in tit ution , yet there wa a rapport a well' "I do nol . cnsc ignific:anl interest in the rdinariate in Ireland. We move forward together, and in that en e it is important." He aid the Angli an Church in Ireland had good relalio11i.s with the MetJ10dist and th at in the parishes ongregations gave public t!.xprc, sion to our life togelhcr. Archbi hop Martin added, "We all face ome challenges. We need to fi nd new tru Lure for evangelisation. On the Ordinarialc: I detect no interest in the Anglican Chur ·h in Irehrnd. I have had no appli alions:' Ar hbi hop Marlin re ponded lo a question from Lhe Calholi Voi ·e reporter AnlhOll)' Murphy about Lhc ab en e of del egate~ from the · ·px and the rdinariate. He pointed out that there wa an Extraordinary Rite Mas. every day, buc did not ommen t on the absen e of rdinariate delegate . One Press person pre ent said "what a . hamc!" There wa. no rcspon. c from the p latfo rm. The Conference moved on toe umenical relations in the boarder areas and in the orth of Ireland. Archbishop Martin said that relations north of the boarder were stronger than in tJ1e south. The legacy of the troubles' 1 had produced a trong e'umenical inter tin Northern f reland. Archbishop Jack on · aid, "Even in the light of diffi ulties. people dug deep to preven l ommunities being dism antled. orne asked why the churches did not do more to help, but one could ask how much worse things would have been if the hur he had not done what they did. We worked a ro Lhe Tradition . ·rhe traged y of orthern Ireland focused on political division ru1d lhe use of religion. We work on lhe basis of the ·ourage and good will of Lho. c who ltavc gone before. We arc beginning to draw out what we hold in ·ommon:· Archbishop Marti n added, '"ll1ere is a stronger and deeper ecumenical movement in orthern Ireland now. In the south we have to face challenges. ' tVe need to stand together to fa ·e th ese challenges. With th e end of Lhe Peace Pro ·e. there ha. been a change. upporl f rnm Catholi . , Anglicans, Pre. bykrians and other Christians i very strong. I am plea ed to se an Orthodox presen e now:' Although 11.000 people Wt'.re e .. peeled to attended the pre enl 4" pening Mass yesterday, in fac t 12500 people were