The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 14

THE PORTAL is the rnonthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham publisl1ed free on the ffrst day of every montll ot www . portolmog . co . uk
Day 8 - Sunday 17th June 2012

.... continued

10th 17th
everyone for taking pnrt in the IF . , and greeting the Pre ident of Ireland and the other civil authoritie , he en ouraged those present to be full of confiden · e , and to rely on Our Lord for a new beginning . He said , " Let u , bear wiLnc . , Lo thi : gra c by calling other to faith in thi . ommunion . The Iri . h bell , which rc , ound , from Lough Derg , from Knock and Dublin , mu t resound in the whole world . et ' s ring the bell further through our personal testimony of renewed faith in the Holy Eu harist '
The LruJy International and co mopolitan nature of the Catholi Church in general and the lEC in parLi · uJar was once again evident in the Creed and Prayer of the Faithful . These in -orporated the English , German , Italian , Pren : h and panish language . The ffertory proce sion included ptople from the Philippines , Poland and Guadaloupe .
ne feature of the Jounialists at th event is th diff rence betw en the se ular ones and those from the C ; 1tholic media . Veq1 often th e secular press are out in for e for the Press Conference , but not at the Mass . The at holic however are not only at the la s , but a tually take part in the wor hip , and re eive Holy ommunion .
In simple ways like this , one realises what a wonderful thing th e Catholi Church is .
After IIOI )' Communi () n we , al and li . tencd Lo Hi Holine , Pope Benedi t XVL Hi multi-media pre entation was a powerful endorsement of the reforms of Vatican II under tood from the vantage of 50 year f urthcr on in the life of the C hurch . Referen ing his remarks from Vatican ll , 11 ' Ilolim : ss . a id , " It truE : p urpo e ( th : ll i Vatican II ) was to lead people to per .., onal en ounter with the Lord , pre ent in the Eucharist , and thus with the living God , so that through thi . onta t with Chri t '. love , the lc ) Ve of his brothers and si ters for one another might also grow . Yet not infrequently , th e revision of liturgical forms has remained at an e , ternal level , and ' a · tive parti ipation ' has been ex . ternal activity . ' o nfu ed with
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Touching the question of hild abuse in the Church he said " Instead of showing them ( that i children ) the path towards hri I , towards God , in lead of bearing witnes to his goodness , they abu ed people and w1dermi11cd the credibility of the Church ' me sage . How are we to explain the fa · c that people who reguJarl )' received the Lord '. body and c : onfcsscd their sins in tht .: . a ramcnt of Pcnan c have oflcndcd in thi . way ? It remains a mystery . Yet evidently . their Christianity wa no longer nourished by joyful encounter with Jesus Christ : it had become merely a matter of habit . The work of the Council was really meant to overcome this form of hristianity and to rediscover the fait h a ~ a deep per ~ ona l friend ~ hip with the goodne ~ s of Je u hri t . '! he Eucharisti · Congre ha a imilar aim . Here we wish to en ounter the Risen Lord .''
Then , to the joy of those from the Philippines , he announ ed the ne , t Eu · haristi Congress would be held in
2016 in ebu . ' lhe Pope ' addre wa received with applause . A choru of the Battle Hymn of the Republi and the IEC was over . In no time the tands were empty and people struggled through the · rowds outside the Arena lo find their oach . their train , and their Wa )' home .
1ho e of u who have had the privilege to be part of the lE 20 12 in Dublin wil l never be quite the same again . It had been a most wonderful experience and a joy to be a part of it .
Pcrhap , the rdinariate wil1 have grown enough Lo end a delegation to the 2016 IE _,, in the Philippine ? We hope o , and we hope too that ' I he Portal will be par t of that delegation .