The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 13

THE PoRTAL i~ the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham published free on tile first day of every month at The International Eucharistic Congress Day 8 - Sunday 17th June 2012 Ju I Olh· I 7th What a week has been. Hund reds of Workshops, Personal Te timonies, Catech eti , Exhibitions and a daily ung Mas,. E urn en~ al par Li ipan including the Anglican Arch bu hop of D ublin and the Prior of Taize, plus people from a host of other hri tian bodies, all together fo r a whole week. The Royal Dublin ociety was the perfe t venue for this Congress. but not large enough for the final Mass which wa held at Croh Park. It wa a magnifi enl . ight: 80,000 people all . t:ated around the Altar. The tand. full and till eats needed on the pitch a well. ver 1.000 oncelebraling Ri hop and Prie t were joined by a congregation of lay men and women. non- oncelebrating priests and matt}' Religious of various rders. 250 coache brought folk to the tvfa.. , and there were even 177 veterans