The Portal Archive Eucharistic Congress 2012 | Page 12

Day 7 - Saturday 16th June 2012
THE PoRTAL is the monthly review of the Ordinariate of Our lady of Walsingham publislied free on tlie first doy of every montl1 at www . portolmog . co . uk
Day 7 - Saturday 16th June 2012

.... continued Ju I 0th · I 7th

a national and global level , we fa e unpre <; edented moral challenge , which threaten our hri tian foundation and the very fabric of society · trying e anomic times place our liveW1oods at risk and we find it ever more diffi ult to make end , meet ; even in Lhc Church , . in . :. lnd . andal mar the all to holiness . Only faith in a God who ultimalel }' triumph can give birth to a hope that sustains us through all darkness allowing love of God and even whatever pre ents itself to us as an enemy to enter as light into the world .
He ended by rem inding u that Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts , but the answer i ~ in our own hand . He lo ed with the e word of ainl Bernard of Clairvaux ,
" You have heard 0 Virgin , that you will · on eive and bear a on ; you have heard that it will not be by man but by the Holy piriL
TI1e angel await an answer ... w too are waiting .
n your v . rord depends om fort for the wre t hed , ransom for the captive , freedom for the ondemned , indeed , salvation for all the son of Adam , the whole of your race .
Answer quickly , 0 Virgin ... \ i \ ford . peak your own word , onceive the divine
Open your heart to faith , 0 ble sed Virgin , your lips to praise , your womb to the Creator . ee , the desired of all nalion , is at your door , kno king to enter .
Ari e , hasten , open . Ari e in faith , ha ten in devotion open in prai e and thanksghd ng . ' Behold the handmaid of the Lord '. she says . ' be it done to me a cording to your word "' (" In Praise of the Ble sed Virgin 1ary : Hom . 4 , 8-9 ).
Tomorrow · is the fi nal day of the IE . Everything ends with ung Ma at roke Park , the 5,000 eater stadium of the G here in Dublin . \ Ve hall file our report tomorrow evening .