The Portal Archive December 2011 | Page 20

THE P RTAL December 2011 Page 16 F a t h e r P e t e r ’s P a ge “You do more good than you know, Sir” These words – from the early part of the famous play/film by Robert Bolt “The Man for All Seasons” – are quoted by a poor woman who is hopeful that Sir Thomas More will be sympathetic to her case; but they could easily apply to anyone who comes in to Full Communion with the Catholic Church, not least via The Ordinariate. Every person who joins the Catholic Church enriches her. Each Christian has distinctive gifts which – when added to the total – increase her life and improve the Community for the benefit for all. is being gifted with a new translation of the Missal. Everyone will have their own particular likes/ dislikes; but I beg you to view it as a whole. Quite literally, handle it as well as read it. Remember those beautiful bound ‘foreign’ copies of The English When I was a young Missal that we would boy, I was imbued produce for you to by my teachers with order at Faith House the concept that the Roman Catholic Church was when I worked there? It will come as no surprise to somehow ‘foreign’, as if it was something for those who know that those who were knowledgeable about these had come from another country or a different culture; things were consulted about the production of the new not really for English men & women. How they would Roman Missal. The quality, the text settings, even the be surprised if I was to take them to any ordinary ridges on the spine (so that the book stays open flat on Catholic Church in the UK today! Instead of finding the altar) all have a familiar ring to them! only Irish or Polish blood – as they claimed; you will find thousands of ordinary English men and women Particularly is this so in the more felicitous and of whom a surprisingly large number were formally memorable phrases that are found in the translation. Anglican! And they have brought their gifts with For this, we must be grateful for the work of one them. major contributor, Msgr Bruce Harbert, the former Executive Director of the International Committee on This is particularly noticeable in the gradual English in the Liturgy (ICEL). Whilst ‘down-under’, transformation of worship and liturgy. It had Bishop Peter Elliott has done more than many by his always been one of the characteristics of the Oxford writings and manuals to raise the quality of liturgical Movement that it worked hard to ensure the Mass celebration: And both of them are ex-Anglicans was well celebrated and that the musical and liturgical whose gifts have enriched the entire Catholic world. traditions it possessed should be enshrined in good liturgy: Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi – the word prayed, You, the reader, have great God-given gifts. You will is the word believed. It is a fact noticed by (the then) enrich the Church by your joining. Cardinal Ratzinger when he wrote the preface to Turning towards the Lord by Uwe Lang. In the words of Robert Bolt: “You do more good than you know, Sir”! new translation of the Missal Even as I write, the whole English speaking word Father Peter