The plants around us. Volum II The plant around us. Volum II | Page 65

Gastronomical use of Prunus dulcis. Medicinal use. As well as being a tasty addition to the diet, almonds are also beneficial to the overall health of the body, being used especially in the treatment of kidney stones, gallstones and constipation. Externally, the oil is applied to dry skins and is also often used as a carrier oil in aromatherapy. T Fried Almonds The seed is demulcent, emollient, laxative, nutritive and pectoral. When used medicinally, the fixed oil from the seed is normally employed. The seed contains “laetrile”, a substance that has also been called vitamin B17. 1. Once the almond is collected, it is split and cooked to peel and left to dry. In this way they were used for different sweets and even recipes, they were also roasted in the oven. 2.Next, we put a pan to the fire and we throw a good jet of oil. 3.Once they are golden, we remove them by placing them on a plate with kitchen paper to absorb all the excess oil. This has been claimed to have a positive effect in the treatment of cancer, but there not a present seem to be much evidence to support this. The pure substance is almost harmless, but on hydrolysis It yields hydrocyanic acid, a very rapidly acting poison. 4. Before they get cold and lose all their oil we proceed to season them, it l is the best way for the salt to be the almond. 5. We already have them at their point of salt and well drained of oil. We will keep them very well in an airtight container isolated from the air that would spoil them. Authors: -Alberto Calatrava. -Lucca Murguia. -Haly Ringo. -Anita Kuld. -Noemí Monné. -Lucía Romero.