The plants around us. Volum II The plant around us. Volum II | Page 64

Spanish:Almendro. Prunus Dulcis . Sm all deciduous tree that can reach 10 m Estonian:Mandlipuu English: Almond tree Caltalan: Atmeller. Turkish: badem ağacı Albanian: bajame Portuguesse: almendoeira in size, with rarely straight trunk and ash-colored bark, scaly with age and full of lenticels. They oody bone with small holes in which are 1-2 almonds provided with brown and rough tegument. It presents two typical varieties: amara and dulcis. Fruit: The almond fruit is the almond. The oil of this fruit is used as an emollient, and the essence of bitter almonds in perfumery, for its aroma. Almendruco or alloza is the tender and immature fruit. It is also called by almond extension the seed of any druceous fruit: for example the "almond" of peach, apricot or plum. Almond oil is used in maintenance of musical instruments such as dulzaina. Of the latter there are a large number of horticultural cultivars for the use of their fruit. An oil used in medicine is extracted from it. Leaves: Leaves simple, lanceolate, narrow,7.5-12.5 cm long, widened below the middle. Rounded base and apex long acuminated. Flowers: Flowers solitary or in groups of 2-4,of pure white color or omething pink, almost seated, of about 3-5 cm in diameter.