The plants around us. Volum II The plant around us. Volum II | Page 52

Populus alba English: poplar Spanish: álamo blanco Estonian hõbehaab (hõbepappel) Leaves The leaves are simple, alternate and deciduous. They are wide and very variable (jagged-angled or palmate-lobed), symmetrical or not, light green by the face and with a characteristic whitish or silvery by the underside . It is a tree of medium and low size, which can reach from 16 to 25 meters in height. Bark of cracked shape, creating small pieces of gray color. Flowers The flowers meet in inflorescences of type ament o catkin. The male catkins, 3-6 cm, are woolly. The flower consists of 8-10 stamens with short filaments and anthers purple at first, then yellow. The female catkins are, longer and thinner. It blooms between February and April. Fruit The fruit is a capsule of about 4 mm, oblong- conical, somewhat rough, hairless, first green and then brown.