The plant around us. Volume 1 The plant around us. Volume I | Page 9

Medical Use -It is beneficial to prostate disease. -It would be good for rheumatism pains. -Allows the body to be disposed of edema. -Cleans the liver and intestines. -Prevents vascular congestion. -It opens up appetite. Onion Stuffed with Meat Recipe -To prepare the inner mortar, small chopped onions and garlic are laid inside a container. -The minced meat of olive oil is added to finely chopped parsley and tomato paste. -Rice and bulgur are added with spices. -To boil the onions,water is put into the pot and boil. -Onions are boiled in water and passed through cold water. -Each onion is placed in 1 teaspoon of inner mortar. -All onions are wrapped. -The sauce is poured on the onions. -Cooked for 1 hour on low heat. - -