The plant around us. Volume 1 The plant around us. Volume I | Page 72

Hippophae rhamnoides
English : Sea Buckthorn Spanish : espino amarillo Estonian : Astelpaju Portuguese : Espinheiro-marítimo
Sea Buckthorn plant is a rare species of fruit . It is native to Europe and Asia . The plant is used for soil and wildlife conservation but also produces some tasty , tart ( but citrusy ) berries high in nutrient value .
Turkish : Deniz cehri Catalan : Arç groc
Small , without corolla . Male and female flowers on separate individuals . Male flower has two brownish sepals and four stamens , male inflorescence a catkin , borne in spring before emergence of leaves . Female flower has a two-lobed calyx and one carpel , female inflorescence small , axillary .
Alternate on annual shoot . Shortstalked or almost stalkless . Blade entire , 1 – 5 cm long , linear , greenish-grey above , underside silvery , covered with grey or rusty-brown scale-like hairs .
Thin-skinned , yellowish-orange , fleshy drupe-like pseudocarp . Seed deep brown , glossy . Fruit consists of sugars , sugar alcohols , fruit acids , vitamins ( C , E , and K ), polyphenols , carotenoids , fiber , amino acids , minerals , and plant sterols .
Rainis Toming , Meelis Teder