The plant around us. Volume 1 The plant around us. Volume I | Page 68

Genista scorpius English: Genista Spanish: Aliaga It is a thorny shrub, up to 2 m high, very branched and provided with strong lateral thorns, axial, in alternate arrangement, very sharp. Adult hairless branches, young ones more hairy. It is endemic to the western Mediterranean region: southeast of France, eastern half of Spain and some localities in North Africa. Grows on calcareous or loamy soil Flowers Flowers geminated or in bundles of 3 or more, rarely solitary, at the end of lateral shoots or on the spines; They are produced in large numbers. Chalice bilabiate with shorter lips and yellowish corolla. Leaves Fruit Flowers from January to July Few leaves, simple, depending on the location and alternate, hairless on year; the fruit is a long, the beam and silky on hairless legume, very the underside compressed from 15 to 40 mm, with 2 to 7 seeds that are marked abroad.