The plant around us. Volume 1 The plant around us. Volume I | Page 33

Gastronomical uses: Calendula Offinalis medicinal use: Calendula tea Calendula is a plant that has been used for centuries for ornamental purposes, as well as culinary, cosmetic and medicinal reasons. What do you need? Water Dried or fresh calendula blossoms Calendula flower is used to prevent muscle spasms, start menstrual periods, and reduce fever. You have three options: Pictures by Sarah @ The Free Range Life It is also used for treating sore throat and mouth, menstrual cramps, cancer, and stomach and duodenal ulcers. Calendula has also been used for measles, smallpox, and jaundice. Ointment can be used to soothe sunburns, warts, bites, acne and ulcerations. One: Fill a jar with fresh calendula blossoms and pour boiling water over the top of the blossoms (to cover them entirely) Cover and let steep for 10-15 minutes Two: Fill a mug with about 1-2 T of dried calendula blossoms, pour 8 ounces of boiling water over the top of the blossoms and let steep for 10-15 minutes Calendula oil Calendula oil is soothing and gentle, heals wounds, cuts, burns, rashes and is wonderful for babies, it is anti-fungal. Three: Fill a jar with 1/3 full dried or fresh calendula blossoms, fill the jar with water, cover and let steep in a windowsill for at least 6 hours.