The Pioneer December 2013 Vol. 44, No. 4 | Page 7

Reports & articles What is the purpose of religious community? What is the purpose of this religious community? We are engaged, as a congregation, in an exercise of discernment and planning. If you haven’t done so already, please take a few minutes to fill out the online survey: click here. Don’t wait, the survey closes December 6. And what about Unitarian Universalism itself? Would you like to engage with fellow UUs from across the region on “Growing a Better Religion?” Consider attending a workshop on January 11 that invites us to ask the question of purpose on a broader scale: click here for workshop information. You can register through the district website. Please contact the office if you would like help with carpool arrangements. Do you need some help? The Minister’s Help Fund serves members of the congregation who need financial assistance. This can be a difficult time of year. Call or email Janet if you have questions or need help. All assistance provided is known only by the recipient and the minister. (We have thanked several members personally for their recent donations to the fund. Thank you again! Donations are always appreciated.) Cot Shelter Needs New Helpers Our wonderful youth group is once again shopping, cooking and serving a monthly meal at the Interfaith Cot Shelter in Northampton. The youth group covers the main meal. Our congregation helps by donating appetizers, salad, dessert and drinks. We need your help!!! We are actively recruiting new cot shelter helpers. If you have not participated in this very important community service project please consider helping out now. Can you make a simple salad or purchase some beverages for the guests at cot shelter? Please email or call adult coordinator Suellen Walsh-Rother (413) 320-3388 [email protected] for details. If you find you don't have time to help in this way, you may make a financial donation to support this important endeavor or purchase a gift card at social hour and leave it in the Youth Director’s mailbox in the office. Thank you for your consideration and thank you to our Youth Group for your commitment to this work! The Pioneer ??((0