The Perfect Gentleman Issue 5 | Page 28

Financial Gentleman By Bobby Bhuiyan The benefit of having reliable income from steady employment or even self-employment allows us to save for goals and aspirations now and in the future using our disposable income. To calculate your disposable income you should work out your out-goings and whatever is left you should allocate to your savings, I would recommend opening multiple bank accounts and allocating budgets to each area thus ensuring your on track for all goals and targets. As such we have three main savings goals with respect to time periods; Short term, Medium term and Long term savings options. In this section I want to talk about your short term savings, ideally you should keep your savings in this area fairly liquid and accessible in the event you need access for 28 emergencies, hence this is in the short term category. As this is accessible very easily in most cases the growth will be low and not keep up with inflation. Most banks and financial institutions will offer various deposit based interest, depending on the restrictions for access to your short term savings, the longer you can afford to lock in the offer the better the offered rate of interest. Now there are various options available the best options allow you to earn interest on your interest, this is technically called compounding interest, ideally kept in the same account. With compound interest, your savings have the chance to grow at a faster rate than standard interest options when interest is simply paid flat. When you earn interest on your savings, the interest you earn is added to your savings pot.