The Perfect Gentleman Issue 2 - April 2016 | Page 36

Thoughtful Gentleman Dress Well Get Moving and Stand Tall You wouldn’t be surprised to hear us say that you need to dress well to build confidence. There are two sides to this element; firstly, how others perceive and interact with you. As we mentioned earlier, you have a fraction of a moment to make a first impression, if you are dressed well and appropriately then this will immediately set the right impression. Also if you dress with a little flair, then you will be remembered for longer. Time and time again exercise has been proven to affect your body chemistry in positive ways, it makes us happier and therefore more confident. Being fitter, healthier and more energetic will help our confidence. If you are unable to exercise, for whatever reason, the next best thing is to keep moving. If you are dressed well, in clothes that make you feel good you will immediately start to feel more confident. You know this to be true, you remember when you wore that set of clothes that you love and you walked taller? You get compliments for the outfit and that in itself will make us more confident, you wear the outfit again and the spiral continues. You don’t have to spend a fortune to dress well, we have many articles here about dressing well on whatever budget you have, so money is no excuse to make that effort to dress well. 36 People who walk faster, look more important, they have places to go, things to do. Take meetings whilst walking - it works for Richard Branson. Put some vim and verve into your step, increase your pace and become confident. Finally, our body works in conjunction with our mind and body chemistry, so think about your body posture. Stand up right now, wherever you are. Stand tall, pull your shoulders back, thrust your chest forward and raise your chin. Stay like this for a couple of moments. Notice how you feel.