The Pen Project Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Page 35

suffering for results a devotional by David Disberry , Jackson Correctional Institution

We may not always know the reason God allows suffering into our lives , but if we ’ re patient , we will see the results .
In Romans 5:3-5 , we read that suffering will produce endurance , character , and hope . It ’ s funny how easily we will start an exercise routine that we have read about . We see the results others have achieved from it , knowing that they or we must suffer for the results .
Not only so , but we also glory in our suffering , because we know that suffering produces perseverance ; perseverance , character ; and character , hope . And hope does not put us to shame , because God ’ s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit , who has been given to us .
Romans 5:3-5
Yet , it seems to be too hard to suffer for righteousness , even though we have a book filled with examples of those who have suffered for their faith , and we see the results . ( i . e . Job , Joseph , Paul , and many more ). To suffer for righteousness , we must exercise our faith ! Faith is like a muscle , the more you exercise it , the stronger it gets .
But the key , I think is rejoicing in our suffering . I ’ ve heard many weight-lifters say they love the pain , because “ no pain , no gain .” That ’ s where the growth happens , the results . So , in the words of the Apostle James , “ Count it all Joy , my brothers , when you meet trials of various kinds , for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness ( James 1:2-3 ).”
Consider it pure joy , my brothers and sisters , whenever you face trials of many kinds , because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance .
James 1:2-3
So rejoice in your suffering , know the Lord is exercising your faith .