The Pen Project Volume 2 | Issue 1 | Page 28

I P U T O N TH E BELT O F TRU TH I am standing firm on the truth of your word. I am laying aside all falsehood to worship you in spirit and in truth, for you alone are the way, the truth, and the life that I believe sets me free. I P U T O N TH E BREA S TP LATE O F RIG H TEO U S N ES S It is guarding my heart from evil so I am refraining from sin and instead taking your righteousness as my own to remain pure and holy, established in you and not shaken. I P U T O N TH E S H O ES O F TH E G O S P EL O F P EA CE I am walking boldly in the good news of the gospel. So its message of your peace is lighting my path, and shining through me as a beacon of peace and to all people I encounter, so that we are being reconciled to you and to each other. I TA K E TH E S H IELD O F FA ITH With it, I am being assured and confirmed of my hope in you, and the connecting proof of that reality, not yet seen. I am standing against Satan’s fiery darts of doubt, deceit, division and alienation. Test my faith, Lord, so that as you perfect it, it produces patience and endurance. For today I am placing my faith and trust in you, for whom nothing is impossible. I P U T O N TH E H ELM ET O F S A LVATIO N I am keeping my mind focused on you, my savior who has delivered me from death to life. Satan will not have a stronghold on my thoughts, as i am only meditating on what is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, of gold repute, excellent, and praise worthy. Today I am being transformed as you renew my mind, so I live within your perfect will. I TA K E TH E S WO RD O F TH E S P IRIT With this two edged sword of your word, ready on my lips, I am exposing, cutting off, and destroying the tempting lies of satan and my flesh. Today I am not only receiving your spoken and written word, but I am also acting on it. As a result of its teaching, rebuke, correction, encouragement, and training I am being adequately and thoroughly equipped for every good work you want to do within me and through me today. 28 The Warrior Prayer / Dean Kentopp, Jackson Correctional Institution / Calligraphy Art