The Pen Project Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 12

think on these things by Roberto Jimenez Sr .

I am thankful that God will not condemn me for my past mistakes and sinful behavior ( Romans 8:1 ), and that I can always come to Him with confidence ( Hebrews 10:35 ). Every time I sincerely confess my sins to the Lord , He will forgive me and cleanse me ( 1 John 1:9 ). Even though my body is in prison , my spirit has been set free from the bondage of my past ( John 8:36 ).
I am comforted by the fact that God still loves me , and I believe nothing in this world can separate me from that love ( Romans 8:35-39 ). In fact , His love for me is an everlasting love ( Jeremiah 31:3 ).
Though I am surrounded by many sinful temptations , God will never allow me to be tempted with more than I can bear ( 1 Corinthians 10:13 ). During times of loneliness and discouragement , I will remember that I am never really alone ( Hebrews 13:5 ), for God is always with me . Fear cannot control my thoughts , because the Lord has promised to replace my fears with power , love , and a sound mind ( 2 Timothy 1:7 ). Whenever the enemy comes against me , I will submit myself to God in prayer , and by resisting the devil , he will be forced to flee ( James 4:7 ).
I will wait patiently for the day of my release , knowing that God hears the cry of my heart for freedom ( Psalms 40:1-3 ), and cares deeply for me ( 1 Peter 5:7 ). I will take comfort in the truth of God ’ s Word , for it is my life ( Psalm 119:50 ). As I daily hide the Word in my heart , it will keep me from sin ( Psalm 119:11 ), and it will illuminate my way through the darkness ( Psalm 119:105 ). Amen !
“ I pray that people will be inspired by this publication , God bless you all .”