The Passed Note Issue 3 February 2017 | Page 66

Erin Keating is a 21-year-old student studying literature and creative writing. As a writer from New Jersey, most of her characters find their way to the shore. Her fiction has been published in The Cuckoo Chronicle; her poetry has been published in Whurk, and is forthcoming in The Allegheny Review.

Eric D. Lehman teaches literature and creative writing at the University of Bridgeport and his essays, reviews, poems, and stories have been published in dozens of journals and magazines. He is the author of twelve books of fiction, history, and travel, including Shadows of Paris, Afoot in Connecticut, Homegrown Terror: Benedict Arnold and the Burning of New London, and Becoming Tom Thumb: Charles Stratton, P.T. Barnum, and the Dawn of American Celebrity, which won the Henry Russell Hitchcock Award from the Victorian Society of America and was chosen as one of the American Library Association's outstanding university press books of the year.

//T: @afootinconnecticut // I: @afootinconnecticut