The Passed Note Issue 2 October 2016 | Page 7

It was entirely an accident.

It was not at all my intention to have a theme issue. That is the privilege of well-established magazines, I thought, those that have long been in syndication and have submitters by the hundreds. Certainly The Passed Note, with only its second issue, would not cull enough submissions to garner a convincing theme.

May whatever gods you might believe in mock me, for I proudly present our first theme issue concen-trating on the topics of girlhood, womanhood, and female strength.

I was astonished when submission after sub-mission contained determined female protagonists, all struggling with their current situations, and emerging viciously strong. My joy continued when poetry rose, as if crafted that way, to echo the struggles within the creative non-fiction work. Short stories arrived in my inbox as if knitted together. Though not every work presented in Issue Two specifically features a feminist issue, each speaks to the tenacity women and girls display in our world every day.

Note from Editor-in-Chief,

Stephanie R. Johnson