The OVCRD Report (May 2011-April 2014).2.10.14 | Page 30

UP Diliman Taking Inventory: A Catalog of Research, Creative Work and Extension Units in UP Diliman As part of its proactive efforts towards fostering multi-disciplinary collaborations in the campus, the OVCRD compiled and published in January 2013 an inventory of research, creative work and extension units (RCWEUs) in UP Diliman. This preliminary, but quite comprehensive, inventory profiles 104 RCWEUs: 25 centers, 24 institutes, 32 laboratories, 2 studios, 5 studio laboratories, 9 extension units, and 7 other types of facilities. Of the 104 RCWEUs, 12 are identified with the Arts and Letters cluster; 14, with Social Sciences and Law; 14, with Management and Economics; 17, with Science and Technology – Engineering; and 43, with Science and Technology – Science and other disciplines. Four (4) units do not belong to any particular cluster. In profiling the RCWEUs, the following information was indicated: the name of the unit; the date when the unit was established; the unit’s mandate or mission; flagship programs and/or major activities of the unit; functions of the unit (research, creative work, extension/outreach, training/continuing education programs, consultancy, academic and administrative); home institution/s; nature of home institution/s (academic, administrative, training); head of unit’s title (e.g., Director, Coordinator, etc.); and contact details. While the inventory is a work in progress, it is nevertheless an efficient tool and reference for UP Diliman constituents and current and future R&D partners. The contents of the inventory can be accessed from