The Organized Classroom Magazine August 2013 | Page 12

Teach Me

Literacy Stations

By Sally DeCost
I work with 2 of my 3 reading groups daily . What do I do with my other students ? Many teachers use the Daily 5 , and have some great ways to organize the 5 choices .
My district has some specific guidelines on how we spend our reading : me , but we can be flexible within those guidelines .
Every child must have Independent Reading daily . That ' s easy ! Reading groups need to meet so many : mes per week , with the lowest group mee : ng daily .
I use li^le cards with magnets on the back . At the beginning of the year , I teach the children the meaning of each card , and introduce them one at a : me . We start with Independent Reading , then move on to the others .
Some people call these Centers , or Learning Centers . I call them Sta : ons . I don ' t know why !
I have a sec : on of my whiteboard in the front of the room that ' s always about literacy sta : ons . On some days , it might look like this :