The Official U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2016 2016 | Page 34

PENNSYLVANIA MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCERS COUNCIL 9225 Fillinger Rd., Cranesville, PA 16410, 814-756-4500, [email protected], SUMMARY OF SEASON OFFICERS I n general, Pennsylvania’s syrup season was one of the worst in recent years. While most producers in the Northeast saw a banner year, the early and extended warm temperatures in Pennsylvania resulted in an early and short season. This left many sugar makers with 40 percent to 75 percent of a normal crop. Producers that were not prepared to start early, around the 1st of February, saw the worst results. Many of the PA syrup producers had their seasons ended by the 11th of March due to extended high temperatures. In contrast, the 2015 season did not even start until March 10th of last year. The warmer-than-average temperatures throughout the entire season resulted in little Golden Syrup being made. Gary Bilek, president Gary Bilek President Cranesville, PA [email protected] 814 756-4500 Ron Shemanski Vice President Waymart, PA shemanskimaple 570 488-6095 Marge Phillips Secretary Waterford, PA [email protected] 814 796-3699 Shirley Bilek Treasurer Cranesville, PA [email protected] 814 756-4500 EMMA LOCH of Loch’s Maple in Springville, Pa. is the 2016 Pennsylvania Maple Sweetheart. EVENTS Lake Erie Maple Expo When: Nov. 11-12, 2016 Where: Northwestern High School Albion, PA Info: Pennsylvania Farm Show When: Jan. 7-14, 2017 Where: Harrisburg, PA JEREMY WALTERS TOURS his Buffalo Creek Sugar Camp in Garrett, Penn. The sugarhouse was a featured stop on the NAMSC tour on Oct. 19-22. Walters has 23,000 taps on vacuum. Sap is concentrated to 15 percent and fed into a Leader 4x14 oil-fired evaporator with Revolution MAX pans and a Steamaway. 34 Maple Taste & Tour Weekends When: March (TBD) Where: TBD Info: www.pamaple U.S. Maple Syrup Almanac 2016