The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 25, Number 1 | Page 28

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | January 2019 Below 100 Program Over the past year the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has joined with the IACP’s national effort to promote the “Below 100” Program. As you probably are aware the Below 100 program was developed to eliminate preventable line of duty deaths. The following are Below 100’s Vision and Mission statements: Vision: “To permanently eliminate preventable line of duty deaths and injuries through innovative training and awareness.” Mission: “To influence law enforcement culture by providing innovative training and awareness, through presentations, social media, and webinars on identifying the leading causes and current trends in preventable line of duty deaths and injuries”. The Below 100 program is comprised of five very straightforward tenets that represent the core principals of the program. They are:      Wear your seatbelt. Wear your vest. Watch your speed. WIN: What’s Important Now? Remember: Complacency Kills! Most recently, NHTSA has developed a line of duty death (LODD) travelling memorial wall honoring those officers who have made the ultimate sacrifice and promoting the Below 100 program. The LODD travelling memorial was most recently on display at the NJSACOP Mid-Year conference. If you are interested in attending or hosting a Below 100 training, or train–the-trainer program, please contact NHTSA Regional Law Enforcement Liaison Mike Morris at [email protected] . 27