The NJ Police Chief Magazine Volume 24, Number 7 | Page 25

The New Jersey Police Chief Magazine | October 2018 Ask the Physician Just a few weeks back, my doctor said I am “borderline” for high blood pressure—is there anything I can do to help lower it? Jim W. – Manasquan Jim, it’s good to know when you have borderline high blood pressure (BP)—being aware of it means you can take steps now to lower your BP, before it increases and becomes a medical concern. Particularly in light of new guidelines released by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association—with the new “normal BP” being under 120/80--we all need to be aware of our BP and do what we can to keep it under control! Steps you can take to lower your BP without medications include:  Exercising four or more times a week if your doctor says it is OK  Losing weight if you are overweight  Eating healthier foods that are low in salt and in fat—and add some foods which are higher in fiber (roughage), such as vegetables, whole grains, and fruits  Cutting down on caffeine (coffee, tea, chocolate, energy drinks)  Quitting smoking Looking at unhealthy stressors in your life--and minimizing or eliminating them Follow your doctor’s instructions, and keep adding up those healthy lifestyle changes! S. Justin Szawlewicz, M.D. Attending Cardiologist Vice Chair, Medical Staff 24