The New Social Worker Vol. 20, No. 4, Fall 2013 | Page 21

where he or she resides*) have to make a report involving people he or she has never met. In some agencies or practice settings, informed consent involves the client signing a form that acknowledges receipt of certain information. Although a written tool is a good idea, it is important that there be additional methods for ensuring informed consent. In all cases, with or without written informed consent tools, the social worker and client should discuss, face-to-face, expectations for confidentiality and when confidentiality will be breached. The social worker should use language the client can understand. So, the social worker can say that he or she will keep information “private” or “between the two of us.” But it is very important that the social worker make it clear that there may be times when the “private” information will be shared with others. Basic language can be used, such as, “I will have to share this private information if I think that you are going to hurt yourself, or hurt someone else, or if I think someone may be hurting you or someone else.” As with other forms of communication with clients, it is important to ensure that the client understands what you outline through informed consent. With child clients, or clients with impaired cognitive ability, you can start by asking them if they understand, but it is best to follow up. You can ask a question like, “If a boy told me that his mother was hurting him, would I keep that private?” And then explain who you would report to and why, highlighting that child protective services would then help protect that person from being hurt again. It is possible that by explaining to your client the limits of confidentiality, the client may choose not to disclose information that would warrant you to make a report to child protective services. It is important to remember that it is the client’s right to choose what information to share with you. That is part of the client’s right to “self-determination” (NASW Code, Standard 1.02). Informed consent is most often thought of in the context of the contract- ing stage with a client, which comes at the beginning of the professional relationship. To be effective, informed consent should be seen as an ongoing process. Informed consent can be integrated into each session with a client, or at regular/ periodic intervals throughout a professional relationship. As the goals of the relationship change, informed consent should be revisited. Protecting Your Clients Even When Breaking Confidentiality Whereas it is clear that professional standards of conduct accept and ^X?B????X[???\????XZ??Y[????Y[?X[]H??\??\?X?[?????[X[?X]Y[? B???H[??Y?Y??B????X[???\??&\??\???X?[]H?Z[?[Z^?B?\?H?H?Y[????B?\??[??\????\?K????X[???\??\?H^X?Y???YHB?X\?[[?[?????Y[?X[?Y[?[???X][??X?\??\?K??B?]?[??[HXZ?[??H?\???[???X?]?H?\??X?\?[?H??[?H???X?[?\??Y[?\?]X?\????X?K??Y?[?HXZ?HH?\???[??X?]?H?\??X?\?X??]H?Y[? [?H??????YHH??\]H?[?\?X??\???X[?\??\??Y[??[?\??Y[? ?[??XY [?B???YHH[???X][??X?\??\?H????[?[[??[?\?Y?[?Y?][???\? ?\??[\?[?\?]X?[?Y?][??B?\??\????Y]K?[H??X?[??\?]X???[?\??Y[?8?&\??]?X?H\?[?H?[???B?H?\???X?[]H??Y\?Y[?????Y[?X[]H?[H?[][[?[?\?B?Y\?[???HY?[?\???X?[]H?????X[???\?????X??[?[????B?X[?X]Y[?\?[???[?\????X? ????]?\?H?\?H??[?[???H??\??[?[?[][??\??Y??Y??[?[???YY???[?[?][?[??B??\???X?[]Y\??H???X[???\??Z[?[Z^?H\?H?H?Y[?]?[?Y?\???Y[????Y[?X[]H\???XX?Y??????X????X??[??HY??X?]?[B?X\?Y ??????]H?X?Y?X?[???X][??\?]B??[?[?\?H[???X][??]]?^H?]B??]]H?X\??]????????[?[?\?K??????\?[]?YK?]????X?Y\???]K???Y?\?[??\??][?[\????X][?????X[???\?? ?  K???H?]X????]?[???\?K ? ??? ?T??\?[??\??\?[???\???????X[???]??\?[?[?]?\??]H[??????[??K??HX\??Y?\? ? ?[????X[???\??\?\?????[?\?X\?\?????X[??????H??[B?[?]?\??]K??H\??][?[??\?[?Y?^[??]?[H?X[?]Y?\?[????\?X?Y??[X?\?H[??Y?X? ??H?]?[?\?H?\??Y?\?\????X]H\?X?????[H[?]?\??]x?&\?[?\?\??\[?\?H?[?\????[Z[B?[??[ \??[\??[?X?[???X[????\\??\????H?[Z[HY?[??H?[?X?]??]?[??[?]?\??]H]????? ???]?Y]???%??[?YY???HY?H ?B?Y?K\???[???\??X?\???]^H\?HX?B???\????\?[?x?&\??YY?\?H[??[\?[???X?]?\??'H  ? L?K??B?^H?]??]H?\\???\?H?]?H[???^ [??X??]X?[???X[???[???X]]?]H\?H??\?Y ?[?H?\?H^[\B??\???]?\??&\??]?Y?H  ? L? KB????X[???\?X\???]??[?]H????YY??X???\[?H?X[]H???HZ[\??H?X]]?]H?\\?[??YH[[?H?XY\?]?[? ]?[X]K[?[????]H][\H\\???X]]?H?X?X?K?[??Y[??Y?H?]?Y]?[??[Z[?\??[??K??\?[?[??Z[?[?????\K]\?X???[Y?[?[? ???\?]X[]K[??Y\?Y?[???[?\?HX?]?]Y\??X]]?[K??B?[????\?[?H?]?H[?[?\?X\?X¸?'[X??\8?'H?^[?x?&\?????H????\?Y[\??\?Y[?[?\?\?Y?[???XX?[??]?[?[???\?[?][??[???Z[?[??YX\?????[][?]H??\???[?X]?????]?Y]?Y?H\?HK??? \????X]H??\????????X[???[??\?????K?\?X\???Z\?????????Y?x?&\??[?\???X??\??[Y?[??????JKH?X?\????????Y?H???]??\??^K????\?]?\??[?H??H??[??]?X??][??\?X?X?][??[????X??B????HHX?\?\???H?]????X[???\????? ??]Z]??[][?X?][????B??H?]????X[???\????[ ? L??NB??