The Michael J. Fox Foundation Annual Report 2016 – Frameworks for Progress | Page 5

An Update from the CEO and the Co-Founder Todd Sherer, PhD Chief Executive Officer Deborah W. Brooks Co-Founder and Executive Vice Chairman The question most frequently asked of The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) is: “How close are we to a cure for Parkinson’s disease?” With nearly $750 million in Parkinson’s disease (PD) research funded to date, the simplest answer is: closer than ever. Today’s PD drug development pipeline demonstrates a richness and vibrancy we could only dream of a few short years ago. But nothing is simple, least of all brain research, and every promising step forward reveals complex new challenges for our problem-solving. As you’ll read in this report, our community increasingly is called on not just to provide funding for the most important research projects in the Parkinson’s space, but also to engage with MJFF as we lead and coordinate wide-ranging initiatives that help advance the entire field — frameworks, as it were, for progress. In the Foundation’s short history, Parkinson’s drug development has experienced a metamorphosis, and it is fair to say that the state of Parkinson’s science as a whole has meaningfully advanced. Multiple scientific breakthroughs, promising new leads and powerful information technology have combined to set the stage for better disease understanding from the patients themselves. Our on-staff PhD-trained neuroscientists paired with business- trained project managers are identifying, vetting and advancing the most promising ideas in Parkinson’s research, building a portfolio that includes investigations of over 1,000 drug targets to date. 2016 Annual Report 3