The Metro Times Atlanta June 2018 | Page 6

DANIEL S . DIGBY Attorney at Law
Page 6


ummer Slide ! It sounds like

Sa fun and entertaining game children play during the summer . However , this term refers to the academic loss and regression that many children experience during the 8-10 weeks of summer vacation . Even though Summer break is here , that does not mean that children cannot continue learning . “ According to National Summer Learning Association , all students experience learning losses when they do not engage in educational activities during the summer months , and most lose about two months of gradelevel equivalency in mathematical computation skills ” ( Fleming ,

2017 ).
Other great opportunities to engage in learning this summer are through local community resources , including the public library and the recreational facilities . These facilities offer many opportunities to engage students in reading and math activities throughout the summer . These activities are also generally free or have minimal fees associated with them . According to Melissa Taylor ’ s recent blog on www . readbrightly . com , “ Simply ask your children to practice reading , writing , and math throughout their vacation time .” You don ’ t have to spend long hours doing so but just a few minutes each day will help your children .
1 . Plan . Develop a routine for your days during the summer to schedule in learning time . I would suggest scheduling your learning time in the morning so kids can get work done first and then play .


Recently , I received an interesting email from Bishop T . D . Jakes , “ Your opposition is your opportunity !” Every situation brings about its challenges . Sometimes these challenges can leave you feeling hopeless . I understand this feeling because I ’ ve been there . If the first half of your 2018 has been marked with opposition , then it ’ s time to be on the lookout for your opportunity !
T . D . Jakes said , “ Instead of focusing on the problem — worrying , being afraid , doubting yourself , doubting God — start looking for the potential God has placed before you . Look for the new thing ! Look


2 . Designate a space . Pick an area in your house where you would like your child to do their work . When you have found the space , set up a calendar and a checklist of the activities that need to be done every day . 3 . Gather supplies needed . Make a list of what you will need for the summer and make sure you have them . You might need books for math or other studies . You might need different items for crafts . Make sure you have everything you need ahead of time . 4 . Read . Figure out your child ’ s reading level and try to stick to books that will either challenge their reading level or at least maintain it . I would suggest having a reading time of 10-20 minutes each day or more . Reading a few books every day will help prevent academic regression . 5 . Practice specific subjects . How well do your kids know their math ? You can practice subtraction and addition with them . Without practice , kids will begin to lose what they previously learned . Repetitive practice of these subjects helps their recall . Purchase workbooks for your child ’ s grade level and ask them to complete a couple of pages during their learning session in the morning . If you purchase the books , you won ’ t have to create a curriculum , and it will be the same one they are learning in school . 5 . Make it fun ! Summertime is still a break from school , but you can always keep learning . You can find creative ways to make learning fun . Children love learning through play . Buy some outdoor chalk and have your learning session outside in the driveway . Find some fun , educational songs to sing with your kids . You can take a long walk in the woods and learn about nature . Find something fun to do and figure out a way to learn while doing it .
Children , have a great summer break . Please play safely and keep learning . See you soon .
for the new direction ! Look for the new opportunity !”
Wow ! That ’ s it ! It ’ s all about your focus . If you focus on the issue ( opposition ), then it will consume your thoughts . However , if you shift your attention to the opportunity , then that ’ s what you ’ ll find . Ask yourself ,
What can I learn ? Write five things you have learned from the opposition you ’ re facing . What new thing can I try ? Albert Einstein said , “ Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results .” Is this you ? Stop ! It ’ s time to make a turn and try something different .
How should I move forward ? If you ’ re facing opposition , then start looking for the open door by asking yourself “ how can I …” not “ can I ...” Choosing the former versus the latter focuses on solutions .
Life is a series of mountain highs and valley lows . It doesn ’ t take work to move forward when you are on the mountaintop , because it looks like opportunity everywhere . If you ’ re in a valley low , then you have to push ahead with intention and trust that your opportunity is already here .
Yes ! It was 1988 when Paula Dominy acquired the Mimi Hutson Dance Studio !

A s as soon students are out of the building , things get ridiculous . Teachers might be seen riding book carts down the halls while their phones blast Beastie Boys . Everything runs at warp speed as inventories are verified , classroom supplies are packed , and checklists are completed .

Summer will be full . We ’ ll travel , visit museums , catch up on movies , and attend workshops . We ’ ll camp , run marathons , and go on cruises . Some of us will create art projects and play in our gardens . Hopefully , we ’ ll see blueberries , tomatoes and cucumbers , and finally get ferns and lavender to grow into their destinies on the porch .
Scott Fitzgerald said that “ life ... begin [ s ] over again with the summer .”
As I sit perched in a spot I intend to occupy as often as I can , I know that I will spend time thinking about new things I want to do in my classroom next year . I will grieve students whose presence brought life to my classroom , but will remember that every single

“ life begin [ s ] over again with summer .”

year brings a new crop of delight . I will spend long , luxurious stretches of time without uttering a single word . And I will try to figure out how to get my classroom to feel more like a porch .

DANIEL S . DIGBY Attorney at Law

Samantha Swaney

Daniel S . Digby & Associates , LLC 946 South Main St . NE , Conyers GA 30012

Phone : 770-760-1771
Fax : 770-483-3559
JUNE 2018