The META Scholar Volume 7 | Page 44

Now let’s analyze figure 2, now there is no a constant potential difference but an alternating potential difference, as at first time in figure 1 when there is no potential difference between the plates there is in charge difference, at the beginning of the sinusoid that represents the amount of potential applied to the plates, and also the polarity of this potential applied, this this is the transient when the charges and so the displacement current begin to travel from plate 2 to plate 1, at the top of the sinusoid is after the transient and the capacitor is fully charged and there is no displacement current, but at this time the polarity of the wave reverses and the process explained before begins anew, but the displacement current travels from plate 1 to plate 2, so as the wave is applied the displacement current is on between plates and that is said in the technical slang that the alternating current does go through a capacitor. The echoes are signals that act as the alternating current when applied to a capacitor, in figure 3, is shown a RC first order low pass filter, then only the low frequencies signals pass to be processed but the high frequencies are diverted to ground, as the resistor that according to the resistance value is the amount of current that flows through, the capacitive reactance opposes to the displacement current. The echoes has a wide spectrum of signals and as wa ́ͅ