The META Scholar Volume 7 | Page 29

Multiple Sclerosis Disease By Paul Ledesma at St. Philips College cord.”( pg.1). With a quick fix from proper medications and therapy, the symptoms and incorrect impulses will then stop. Abstract An uncommon disease that starts in the brain and attacks the rest of the human body by becoming the control center for the body, it goes undiagnosed until symptoms begin to affect the body, this disease is known as MS (Multiple Sclerosis). The human body reacts to the disease by causing numbness, fatigue, and eventually paralysis. Once the body has acquired Multiple Sclerosis, the disease is incurable, but can be stabilized. The disease is common in people with a certain age, gender, or with a family history of the disease. Once the medications ware off, the body may go into a relapse-remitting stage and reoccur the symptoms in a greater or short time span without notice. In Initially Multiple Sclerosis affects the three some cases the symptoms persist and are too major systems; immune system, nervous system and uncontrollable to stabilize without becoming musculoskeletal system. The disease of Multiple hospitalized. Multiple sclerosis varies from case to Sclerosis starts with making the immune system case; each case has its specific problems that may weak, causing uncontrollable dizziness and fatigue; not affect other bodies, making each treatment not allowing the body to function correctly and different form medications to therapy. giving the wrong impression of dehydration. With the immune system becoming weaker; the body then Multiple Sclerosis begins in the center of the brain full a dark grey matter as seen on an MRI, becomes more susceptible to the common cough, eventually the dark gray cold and other natural health diseases. matter will then spread Furthermore, MS will then begin to spread to the throughout the brain Nervous system transmitting incorrect impulses to growing in one spot. every organ, muscle, and soft tissue. The affected Catching Multiple part of the brain gives off signals through the Sclerosis before it nervous system to the human body physically spread, gives a greater shutting it down without warning. When the organ is chance of stability for attacked by incorrect impulses, the organ will begin the disease not to spread function incorrectly causing pain and physically throughout the brain. shutting down on its own. In the musculoskeletal system fibers began to break down making the body As stated in “Plain Patient Education” “…the brain unable to stand or lift itself without assistance. Once is made of cells. The cells of the brain and nerves are called neurons.”( pg.1) The brain is the the muscle fibers become weaker, the nerves begin control center of the body, it sends and receives to cause pa