The META Scholar Volume 7 | Page 16

A flexible sigmoidoscopy might also be required or suggested for a screening test. A flexible sigmoidoscopy is an examination of the lower part of the gastrointestinal tract called the colon or large intestine. It is performed by an endoscopist, who is a doctor or other health professional with special training in endoscopic procedures. There are several reasons that flexible sigmoidoscopy may be recommended, with one of the most common reasons being the need to screen for colon cancer in people older than 50 years of age. A more advanced exam called a Computed tomography colonography is also made available in today’s hospitals. Computed tomography (CT) colonography is a test that uses a CT scanner to take images of the entire bowel. These images are in two- and threedimensions, and are reconstructed to allow a radiologist to determine if polyps or cancers are present. Colon cancer affects the large intestine in the body. The large intestine is the terminal portion of the intestine and consists six parts: 1) the caecum, 2) ascending colon, 3) transverse colon, 4) descending colon, 5) sigmoid colon, and 6) rectum. Colon cancer can affect any of the above mentioned parts and the symptoms differ depending upon the location of the cancer. The colon and the rectum are the final portions of the tube that extends from the mouth to the anus. Food enters the mouth where it is chewed and then swallowed. It then travels through the esophagus and into the stomach. In the stomach, the food is ground into smaller particles and then enters the small intestine in a carefully controlled manner. In the small intestine, final digestion of food and absorption of the nutrients contained in the food occurs. The food that is not digested and absorbed enters the large intestine or colon and finally the rectum. The large int