The META Scholar Volume 7 | Page 10

CARL FREDERICK GUASS in number theory obtained by legendary mathematicians such as Fermat, Euler, Lagrange, Carl Friedrich Gauss and Legendre. (1777-1855) is Biomeds owe Carl Gauss gratitude for his considered to be the discoveries because the healthcare community most greatest German likely would not have had a definitive way to mathematician of the perform Gaussian field line analysis nineteenth century and was called the "prince of mathematics.". Gauss was born in Brunswick, Germany, on April 30, 1777, to working-class parents. His father was a gardener and brick-layer and was an honest man. While, Gauss' mother and uncle, Friedrich, recognized Carl's genius intelligence early on. At age 10, Gauss exhibited his skills as a math prodigy when the schoolmaster gave the following assignment: "Write down all the whole numbers from 1 to 100 and add up their sum." When each student finished, he was to bring his slate forward [