The Maritime Economist Magazine Spring 2015 | Page 24

THEMARITIME Economist Profession & Practice Recent Strategic Developments for Shipping Companies Prof. Dr. Dr. hc (mult.) Peter Lorange Chairman, The Lorange Institute of Business Zurich ME Mag It is known that many businesses differ when it comes to degrees of capital intensity – but traditional shipping is typically very capital! It is also known that many businesses tend to differ when it comes to how close they are to customers – here again, traditional shipping tends to operate in markets that are more or less open, often with little in-depth customer contact. The owner with the lowest costs secures the business! Atomistic! This has been discussed extensively by several scholars, including Stopford (1997), Lorange (2009) and Korakitsos and Varnavides (2014). Further discussion of recent key issues can be found in Talley (2012) and in Winter, Henning and Gerhard (2013). The Classical Shipping Company: Relatively high capital intensity and relatively low customer closeness For this shipping firm, which is what we classically tend to find, the way to compete would be on price. What 24 drives a particular shipping business segment would be the supply/demand (in)balance cycles. Thus the freight rate (and, its derivative) the ship second-hand market, are having various sorts of wave-like-shapes. Timing is the key determinant to business success here; In/out, long/ “The theory of shipping cycles so far has been shaped primarily by two models, the Tinbergen – Koopmans model and the Beenstock – Vergottis model” (Karakitsos and Varnavides, p. 209) “The former’s primary contribution is that shipping cycles arise event if demand for shipping services is not cyclical” Karakitsos and Varnavides, p. 209). The latter model is the first systematic approach to explain the interaction of the freight, time charter, secondhand, newbuilding and scrap markets under the twin assumption(s) of rational expectations and market efficiency (Varakitsos and Varnavides, p. 209). A good summary article has been written by Glen (2006).