The Many Benefits Of Exercise For Depression Exercise For Depression Report | Page 9

When diagnosing depression a doctor or mental health practitioner will take into consideration the following things: Family History – It has been repeatedly observed that in people who suffer from depression there is a high likelihood that another family member or ancestor suffered from depression also. Personality – People who place themselves under a lot of stress, or who worry a lot, have low self-esteem, find it difficult to handle criticism or who are overly self-critical or negative are more likely to experience depression since their mental states regularly reflect many concerns and problems. Serious Medical Illness – A serious illness or other medical condition increases the chance of a person experiencing depression, due to the overwhelming thoughts about not getting well, or being incapacitated for long periods of time during the healing and recovery phases. Drug & Alcohol Use & Abuse – Statistically many people who experience depression have a higher usage of drugs and alcohol, which has led to the development of a theory of collaboration between the consumption of drugs and alcohol with the development of depression. Studies have proven that while many people experience great heights of happiness while under the influence of drugs and alcohol, in the long term the ability of their brain to produce ‘happy chemicals’ is negatively affected and leads many people deeper into depression and possible dependency or addiction. 4 | P a g e