The Many Benefits Of Exercise For Depression Exercise For Depression Report | Page 7

What Is Depression Before we get into the scientific standpoint on depression, let’s get a clear understanding of what depression feels like. Depression feels like an overwhelming sense of uselessness, pointlessness, and lethargy. Let me explain this. When you are in a state of depression, you will feel as though you have no motivation for anything, nothing excites you, nothing interests you, and even the smallest tasks can feel unconquerable. Many people experience overwhelming sadness and distress, often times seemingly for no reason and in some cases the mind will dwell on negative and depressive thoughts, further enhancing and encouraging these feelings of depression. When you are depressed, the only thing that makes sense to you is the thought of curling up in bed and closing your eyes in the hope that the world and everything in it will just disappear. You lose all interest in what is going on in your life and it can seem that no matter how hard you try, or how hard your friends and family try to pull you out of this state, nothing ever works, as though you are falling deeper and deeper into a black hole. So what does science and more specifically medicine say about depression? 2 | P a g e