The Many Benefits Of Exercise For Depression Exercise For Depression Report | Page 23

prefer. Don’t restrict yourself too much with proper forms or rules, just let your body move however it wants and learn to remain present with it while it does. It can be done with or without music and all that is required is that you stand up and let your body move. However, music on its own has tremendous healing powers, and should never be underestimated as to its role in helping to improve mood and instill feelings of calm and happiness. Gardening Being outdoors in the garden is a great way to uplift your spirit. Taking your time to connect intimately to the landscape can have a powerful effect on how you feel. At the same time your physical body is being active and so is encouraging the release of chemicals that make you feel good. Immersing yourself in the sensations of the garden, the scent of flowers, the feeling of the wind and sun on your skin, will have a rejuvenating effect on both body and mind. Sports Any sport at all, including golf, hockey, basketball, football can be utilized here, just make sure it is something that interests you and that is not too physically demanding for you current level of fitness and physical ability. These can also be 18 | P a g e