The Many Benefits Of Exercise For Depression Exercise For Depression Report | Page 20

In addition, someone who experiences depression because of a loss of interest in life or a loss of excitement can inspire greater motivation for something via mental exercise, thereby alleviating the source of his or her depression. All of this brings greater clarity regarding their own personal problems, their causes and their cures, and this leads to a greater sense of calm because they have learned that they can deal with anything that arises as long as they take the time to work through it and figure out exactly what the problem is. Improved Concentration – Mental exercise actually improves a person’s ability to concentrate because it is required that a person learn to place their attention in a specific place and keep it there. For example, in meditation a practitioner is encouraged to observe the breath and count each breath. If the mind begins to race away into thoughts and the practitioner forgets to count, they are supposed to return back to the beginning and count from one again. This trains the ability to remain focused on a single task without letting the mind run away with itself. For people who suffer from an inability to concentrate this is an invaluable tool that can inspire greater self-confidence and greater mental acuity and ability. Greater Acceptance and Less Frustration – Meditation, Yoga and various other types of mental exercise place a great deal of emphasis on ‘acceptance’ and reflecting upon the cause of negative emotions. By learning to reflect on the cause of anger, a person can learn how to let go of this cause, thereby experiencing greater levels of acceptance, which ultimately means less frustration. 15 | P a g e