The Mahdi Times September 2011 | Page 36

3. Many of us heard of the “newly discovered” Planet a while back. This occurred a while after it was discovered that Pluto is not a planet. The new Planet was named Planet X among other names. A very popular name for it now is Planet Nibiru. 4. The interesting thing with Planet Nibiru is that its orbit is different from normal orbits. Its orbit and our Planet Earth’s orbit overlap, and the event will one day occur without doubt that Planet Nibiru goes beside Earth very closely. This would cause disastrous effects, with the gravity of Planet Nibiru shifting the rotation of the Earth, so it turns out that our planet switches its rotational axis and it begins to rotate in the opposite direction. This could very well have to do with the Ahadith of the Sun rising from the West, causing the doors of forgiveness to close. This could also have to do with the 3 day eclipse mentioned in the Holy Bible. There is another cosmological body that has a lot to do with disasters on Earth. That body is Comet Elenin. It is a comet that, when comes in alignment with the Earth and the Sun, causes earthquakes to happen. What is the evidence for such a claim one might ask? The answer is, there has been an earthquake on each of the days that the comet has been in alignment. Among those earthquakes was the Chile earthquake and the monstrous Japan earthquake. A massive earthquake if occurs soon could lead to huge Tsunamis. Allah knows best the events but it is very safe to say that there will be a huge flood across many countries in the world. It’s been discovered that there is an alignment to come soon in the year 2011 of Comet Elenin. It’s been discovered that Nibiru is about to make its visit. May of 2011 marks 70,000 years since the date that Prophet Nuh’s (a.s) flood occurred. Did Allah give us so much reason to believe that catastrophe is about to occur for no reason? Talks about the significance of 26 September, 16 October and November have become prevalent. 4. What can be done is the main concern. There would be such catastrophe that has not been imagined by man. One must be prepared to the extent possible, Insha’Allah. As the Yamani (a.s) has been telling us, we need strong spiritual growth. True nearness to Allah so as to not fail the trials that are about to be placed on us. We cannot turn back, it would be Kufr to value one’s own life over that what is right. We must stay strong in the crisis that is about to ensue. We need to give Dawah to as many possible before the time is too late, as we will definitely be questioned as regards to the knowledge that Allah has granted us. To the extent possib