The Mahdi Times September 2011 | Page 32

Allah (swt) ordered Prophet Noah (as) to carry the believers who were a very small minority in the ark...the Ark of Salvation which started to sail when the water which drowned everything carried it. So the water that carried the faith and goodness is the same as the one which drowned rejection of faith, corruption, and disobedience...and almost simultaneously! It is as if the water here is a surgical blade that separates between truth and falsehood and between the healthy and the diseased the same moment and with the same cut. What great power and ability from the Great Creator!   The ark starts to sail... the volume of water increases... the waves start to rise like the mountains and darkness spreads...fear is in the hearts, and the hearts are in the throats. Here is the human ark of salvation which is surrounded by danger and is led by Prophet Noah. However, it is in need of passengers who are true and sincere believers, so that each of them can cooperate, work hard, and contribute anything they can so that the ark reaches the shore of safety.   There it is...the human ark is now sailing in the midst of slapping waves that are tougher and greater than the mountains. Despite the darkness and imminent danger, it is safe and sound from the perils of the flood. This ark is in need for the efforts and struggle of its sincere and believing passengers who are righteous, so that it makes its way and continues its sail. The aim is to overcome the trial and hardships it faces until morning arrives and it is saved from its journey and reaches the shore of salvation. It anchors on the port, and the Divine surgical procedure is completed successfully! Surely it was by the name of Allah (swt) and in the name of Allah (swt)!   And the need arises once again for Divine surgery to separate between the opposites, and to save light from darkness, truth from misguidance, and goodness from corruption. The need returns for the ark of salvation to transfer humanity and the believers from the seas of darkness to the shore of faith in the holy land of Karbala on the 10th of Muharram, 61 AH.   And so it was named the ark...the Ark of Salvation. This ark is present in every age where darkness increases and illness intensifies, where corruption and evil dominate, and the evil gains power. It is none other than the Ark of Salvation which belongs to Imam Hussain ibn Ali (as) The likeness of Noah's (as) ark is that of Hussain's (as) ark, which is wider and faster!   Allah (swt) has drawn the example of Noah's (as) ark so that we come to understand the importance of Hussain's (as) ark. Hence, the Holy Prophet (S) has clearly stated in a well-known tradition that the likeness of his Purified Household is like that of Noah's (as) ark: whoever boards it will attain salvation, and whoever deserts it will perish.   Its first-class passengers are the honorable martyrs of Karbala. And of the passengers are the devotees and lovers of Imam Hussain (as) – those who follow the Imam of our Time Imam Mahdi (as) and his successor Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan (as)- those who uphold truth and justice, those who fight falsehood and tyranny, and those who give up their lives for the sake of the Almighty God! They are the ones who will be saved, and they constitute a small minority of the world population, while those who drown in the great flood are the enemies of Hussain (as), as well as those who fail to support him and defend his cause. So let us pack our bags, purchase the one-way tickets, and board the human ship of salvation! Let us proceed to the shore of safety by the blessings of the holy grandson of the Prophet (S) and the Master of Our Time, the first of the twelve Mahdi’s- the Yamani (as)- Imam Ahmad Al-Hassan!