The Mahdi Times September 2011 | Page 29

In Isaiah 24 we see them speak of a "noise" that will be heard around the world during the period of 'Great Tribulation'.  The Scripture states that people will be running "from the noise of the fear" (24-18), so it becomes clear that whatever this noise is, it will strike fear into the hearts of everyone, so much so, that you will see them fleeing from this noise. In one verse they make a connection between the noise and the sky or heavens, and they also make the connection between fear and 'the great shaking of the earth' [earthquakes]. In Sunni Islam, we find many narrations of the Holy Prophet (SAW) predicting that people will hear a very strange sound in the month of Ramadan and this sound will be followed by a state of anarchy in the month of Shawal. According to the book “Al-La'al' Al-Masnou`ha Fil Ahadith Al-Maudu`ah” by As-Suyuti, N’aim Ibn Hamad narrated that Abu Hurairah quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “An unbearable loud cry will be heard in Ramadan, followed by the upsurge of a gang in Shawwal; a state of anarchy will prevail in Dhul Al-Qidah and during the season of Pilgrimage (Dhul-Hijja) pilgrims will be victims of robbery; then Muharram will witness the acts of trespass against dignity and honor, and deafening cry and sound will echo in Safar. Then in the two Rab’is tribes will enter into many frictions and disputes, and many wonders will take place between (the months) of Jumadah (and Rajab): a camel better than Daskarah (a building in the form of a palace) will carry hundred thousand people." The same Hadith was also reported in the book “Al- Mustadrak” by Al-Hakim, also on the authority of Abu Hurairah who quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “A very deafening and frightening sound will be heard in Ramadan, awakening him who’s asleep and terrifying him who’s awake…etc.” (to the rest of Hadith). According to another version of the Hadith, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is quoted as saying, “An unbearable loud cry will be heard in Ramadan, followed by the upsurge of a gang in Shawwal; a state of anarchy will prevail in Dhul Al-Qidah and blood will be shed in Dhu Al-Hijja, and Al-Muharam; what a Muharam! He, peace and blessings be upon him, repeated this statement thrice. Then he proceeded, “What a wonder! What a wonder! During it, people will be killed haphazardly.” We asked, “What about that frightening sound, Allah’s Messenger?” He (peace and blessings be upon him), said: “it will occur due to the fall of a very heavy object in the fifteenth night of Ramadan. In the night of Friday, it will be so loud to the extent of awakening those who are asleep, and terrifying those who are awake, drawing screened women to outdoors. It will occur during a night of Friday, in the first night of the second half of Ramadan, in a year of freezing temperature and full of earthquakes. So if a night of such description occurs, perform the Dawn Prayer, and then go to your home, close your doors, cover your bodies, and your ears with hands. If still you hear the sound, prostrate yourselves before Allah and say:” Glory be to Allah, the Holy. Glory be to Allah, the Holy. Glory be to Allah, the Holy.” He who does do so will be saved; and he fails to do so will be destroyed. In Shia Islam we find one of the signs of the emergence of the 12th Imam; Imam Mahdi (AS), a loud noise from the sky with which the eardrums will be pierced. The Imams (AS) also speak of something terrifying that will occur in the month of Ramadan, could it perhaps be the strange 'sound' they also foresaw?  Imam Sadiq a.s. said "The cry (from the Heaven), the rising of as Sufyani, the rising of al Yamani, killing the pure innocent man and a hand appearing in the sky will be inevitable. There will be a fright in Ramadan, which will awaken the sleepers, terrify the awake and bring the girls out of their veils." (Bihar al Anwar, vol. 52, p.233, Ghaybat Numani, Chapter 14, tradition No. 11)   Imam Ali (AS) saying: "There must be grinding querns. When they (the querns) begin to turn around their axis, Allah will send a ͕ٕɔ