The magazine MAQ | Page 54

Slowly open the window and start to visualize, almost asleep the flower of my mant. Suddenly, the light falls off in my bed and actívate my memory. I remember the opresor hot of yesterday and the instance of travel realize. Divers doors and one chosen. I open that and rare smell of powder and the black smoke that suffocates me, was be part of this compressed space. My body take tiny dimensions. Jump on an edge that go throug the wall and slide for the blueprints of texts, neutral values, tactile textures, newspaper clippings, confuse and impetuous images. Barefoot, my feets feel the impassive material, they make a chill travel in my back and suddenly the lights blind me. I run searching do not be discovered. I merge inside the caos of blueprints. The senses begin to reveal what my brain say, glances of persons who pass fast and others stop. I almost feel his breathing, agitates by emotion of the moment. Dilated pupils, stunned faces smiles of pleasure, excited hands of emotion by contrast the long silences of contemplation. Suddlenly I feel the pain that close my throat, the uneasiness that invades me and a scream that doesn´t come out. I start to understand that it was all this that moves me. My voice whipers inside others voices that mix in the place. The minutes was thief and my pretense of permanence be over soon. And the questions inevitably arises. What was happened if i would have been trapped inside the work of Pablo Picasso “The Guernica”?...

Lic. Laura Dorado Saso

MAQ/April 2018/52