The magazine MAQ | Page 41

The first attempts to use art for medicinal purposes were used in ancient Greece and ancient Rome. Aristotle claimed that under the magical effects of art, a person's character and feelings are formed.

The latest research by scientists confirms the energetic impact of the image on a person.

Assuming that man has the highest form of energy, this is received by the image of the canvas.

The researchers made an astonishing conclusion: the effectiveness of the treatment of diseases with the help of works of art it is many times superior to the effectiveness of treatment in other ways. Experience has shown that different artists have their "specialization" in the treatment of certain diseases. Images of Botticelli well relieves the pain syndrome, Matisse images are necessary for kidney disease, Picasso for violations in the cerebral cortex.

The healing properties have paintings by Rubens or Raphael. Also the symbolic graphics, the oriental ornament, an abstract image, a canvas full of energy or even a white canvas they can positively influence. The meaning is both the color and the shape of the image. In abstract painting, abstract forms often they resonate positively with certain structures of the cerebral matter. The geometric figures, for example, they can have an effect on the hormone and therefore on a person's emotional system.

Hang in front of your favorite chair any image you like. Sit more comfortable, relax, try to escape from everyday problems and enter mentally in this image.

Rafael Santi

Peter Paul Ruben