The magazine MAQ | Page 39

"Art is a powerful means to correct human imperfection". Theodore Dreiser

Spiritual needs are the way to achieve inner harmony

Listening to excellent music, watching a wonderful photo or another work of art, everyone finds something of this in his soul, close and understandable only to him. The great power of art reveals the boundaries of human knowledge, it makes you think and create. This is the inexplicable human need for art! We have spiritual needs.

Spiritual needs are the highest human values and are importantfor most people.Everyone wants to find true love or true friendship, do what they love, to find harmony with oneself and the world around them.

The inner harmony of man depends directly on the degree of satisfaction of spiritual needs. At the same time, spiritual needs can be different. First of all there is the desire for creativity, self-fulfillment, knowledge of the world, communication with the art world or the surrounding nature.

In reality, all spiritual needs are built on the desire for self-improvement and satisfaction of the sense of beauty.

The spiritual needs of man should be attributed to the sphere of his psyche. Spirituality is a constant effort for self-improvement. On this road, universal values like the truth, goodness and beauty become the most important.

The influence of art

on the psyche

Author: Natalia Morozova

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Vice President MAQ

Natalia Morozova